Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Before, During and After Reading

Today in grade 10 ELA we started our book club unit. I will be posting more often during this unit!

As an "activating prior knowledge" strategy after we picked out our books, we made charts in our notebooks - before, during, and after reading.

I've uploaded it for FREE on my TPT site! Click here for a direct link.

I plan on having my students fill in the during section when we're approximately half way through the unit.

The book club unit works like this: I give them 3 weeks to read at least one book. The record to break is 7 books in 3 weeks, held by one of the students from last year. The minimum of one book appeals to many of my students, and a majority of students like reading two books to say "I did more than the bare minimum". I do not have strict guidelines on what they can and cannot read. However, I do often recommend various books, and I encourage them to take a look at my bookshelf.

Stay tuned for my upcoming posts. I will be working late on halloween to do some uploading to this blog as well as my TPT site! I have to get ready for an in-school meeting I'm running on Thursday, so uploading and posting will be my "procrastination" tasks.

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